Kjell Johan Sæbø teaches

Her finner du en del læringsstoff:
- « Kompendiet Semantikk (1992)
- « Semantiske fragmenter i Prolog (1989)
- « Tverrspråklig hovedoppgavekurs i kvantitativ metode (1992)
- « Elementary linguistics in Shakespearean terms: Exam assignment in EXFAC03-EURA (2011)
- « Kontrastive Grammatik Norwegisch-Deutsch
- « A Course on Deixis (2013)
- « Introduction to Semantics: Summaries, exercises and assignments (2015)
- « UiT Arctic University mini-course on tense and aspect (2018)
- « UiT Arctic University mini-course on formal pragmatics (2018)
- « UiT Arctic University mini-course on Inquisitive Semantics (2019)
- « UiT Arctic University course on the varieties of ellipsis (2020)
Institutt for lingvistikk og filosofi, Universitetet i Oslo, til bruk i studieprogrammet Språk, logikk og informasjonsteknologi (SLI)
Hjemmeeksamen i SLI7 Laboratorium i datalingvistikk høstsemesteret 1989: Grunnstamme og sluttprodukt
Rapport om Tverrfaglig hovedoppgavekurs for hovedfagsstudenter i språk: Innsamling, avgrensing og bearbeiding av språklige data
The purpose of this course was to prepare new students of European languages at the University of Oslo for the linguistic part of their studies – a proper part; the assignment consists of five questions all referring to the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet.
ILOS, Universitetet i Oslo: Pensum og materiell i TYSK1104 Syntaks, TYSK2100 Semantikk og oversettelse og TYSK1100 Ord og form
The companion pages to my autumn 2013 course Deixis (LING/20770/30770) at the University of Chicago.
Companion pages to the semantics half of the spring 2015 course SPR4106 Syntax and Semantics in Formal Terms at the University of Oslo, supplementing the book Introduction to Semantics by Ede Zimmermann and Wolfgang Sternefeld (minus Chapter 10).
Notes for a PhD mini-course on the formal semantics of tense and aspect at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) June 6–8, 2018.
Handouts for a PhD mini-course on recent developments in formal pragmatics at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) in November 2018.
Handouts for a PhD mini-course on Inquisitive Semantics at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) in May 2019.
Notes for the MA/PhD course LIN-8001-1 20V Semantics at the Arctic University of Norway: Anything missing: Topics and problems in the areas of Predicate ellipsis, Stripping and Gapping, Nominal ellipsis, Sluicing, and Null Complement Anaphora.