Miscellaneous materials

are materials resulting from scholarly activities that are not exactly research or instruction, or spinoffs from research or instruction that do not exactly fall under outreach. Namely:
- » SuB12 (2007)
- » The 2006 Festschrift
- » Computational pragmatics for Mars (1990)
- » Krifka's ex. and the Alsace hikers' guide (1986/1990)
- » Two letters on language, from Magris and Max (1976/1992)
- » Enigma for Elisabet (April 10, 2014)
- » Vocatives for Vatvedt (June 1, 2018)
- » Mad about Meaning: Marking Ede's retirement (September 2020)
- » The Dynamics of Semantics: Workshop in honor of Hans Kamp (June 2022)
- » Linguistics, mathematics and philosophy: The Ingerid Dal award (December 2022)
Mementos from the 12th Sinn und Bedeutung conference in Oslo 2007, including the proceedings, in bulk or piecemeal
Torgrim Solstad, Dag Haug and Atle Grønn edited a surprise volume on the occasion of my 50th birthday. Here are the front and back cover, the introduction and a link to the whole book.
Possible source: International Herald Tribune, Jan 31, 1990. Source of inspiration: European project Dialogue and Discourse (DANDI)
On the origin of "4000 ships passed through the lock"
Clips from letters from Claudio Magris and from Max Cresswell, on Vienna thought on language and on the "A" train
My contribution to the catalogue of intriguing facts presented to Elisabet Engdahl on the occasion of her 65th birthday
My contribution to the symposium for Ruth Vatvedt Fjeld on the occasion of her retirement
My contribution to the Donovan video presented to Ede Zimmermann on the occasion of his retirement
My contribution to the panel rounding up the festive colloquium at the University of Stuttgart June 23–25
My thank you address at the University of Oslo December 2