Sort these examples

For our first class, think up – or dig up – contexts for the below 'fragmentary' sentences (1)–(12), and try to sort them into the six categories • Predicate ellipsis, • Nominal ellipsis, • Stripping, • Gapping, • Sluicing, and • Null complement anaphora.

Check also if they are possible in your native language(s). In class, we will compare our contexts and argue about our sorting results.

Next, sort the Norwegian sentences (13)–(24), with more context given, into the same six classes.

  1. Yeah, me too.
  2. Yeah, and she him.
  3. Everyone here has!
  4. He is sure to refuse, and…
  5. The hottest is called vindaloo.
  6. ; others that it was a supernova,
  7. I don't know where or whether it would be in English or Hebrew…
  8. (which of the two doesn’t matter)
  9. Große   und  kleine     getrennt.
    large.PL and  small.PL separate
  10. 42 percent disapprove.
  11. No silver though.
  12. But I must.

  1. Hun må respektere han – og han henne.
    she must respect him – and he her
  2. Mat og øl vart ofra, og buskap med.
    food and beer were sacrificed and livestock too
  3. Jeg mener at bf skal betale halvparten, men han nekter, …
    'I want the father to pay half but he refuses, …'
  4. Kunne også tenkt meg tatovering, men vet ikke hvor og hva.
    'I’m also considering a tattoo, but I don't know where and what.'
  5. Og Pelle fikk et melkespann og Kari fikk et krus
    Og Mari fikk en kaffekopp og Kjell et kremmerhus
    and Pelle got a milkchurn and Kari got a mug // and Mari got a coffeecup and Kjell a papercone
  6. Det varierer litt, men den minste er 170x150x125cm.
    it varies little but the smallest is 170x150x125cm
  7. Jeg tar 45 studiepoeng dette semesteret. Ikke fordi jeg vil. Ikke fordi jeg er en streber. Men fordi jeg må.
    I take 45 studypoints this term. not because I will. not because I am a careerist. but because I must
  8. Brukerutstyr ble beslaglagt, men ikke narkotika.
    userequipment was confiscated but not drugs
  9. Ja, ja, berre dei unge les, så er det ikkje så farleg kva.
    yes yes only the young read so is it not so crucial what
  10. Jeg har alltid ønsket meg piercing i tunga, men får ikke lov av kjæresten.
    I have always wished me piercing in tongue but get not permission by ___friend
  11. Ta ikke det grønne, ta ikke det røde; men ta det blå, som vi har satt tre kors oppå!
    take not the green take not the red but take the blue that we have put three crosses upon
  12. Emily vel å ikkje ta meir enn ho treng, men det tyder ikkje at ho ikkje kan.
    Emily chooses to not take more than she needs but that means not that she not can